Stephan Jung

Stephan Jung

Expert for innovation, disruption & megatrends, entrepreneur & lecturer

Speaker biography

Stephan Jung: This is how you live tomorrow - The megatrends for a successful future.

Stephan Jung is a thought leader and expert on innovation and megatrends, entrepreneur, lecturer and author. Stephan Jung is considered THE thought leader when it comes to future trends and reveals how we will live tomorrow. He is a member of the expert panel at the International Business Council, Berlin as well as the Brain Reserve Pool of Faith Popcorn in New York. Stephan Jung has been included in the TOP 100 Entrepreneurs of Germany.

Stephan Jung Lecture Topics

How we will live tomorrow!
- How to keep an eye on the eleven major megatrends of the future and align your strategy accordingly
- How to "destroy" yourself and reinvent yourself before others do so
- How to stay future-proof with the seven golden rules of innovation

InnovationHeroes - The success matrix of champions
- What you can learn from the world's greatest innovators
- How you can attract the best talent and become attractive to the "next generation" with a start-up culture that you live by
- How to consistently reinvent yourself and become the innovation engine of your industry

Fresh cell cure - the DNA for your success
- How to create a fertile environment for more creativity
- How to find and retain the right impulse generators for your company
- How to effectively implement your roadmap and safely navigate into the future

During his impressive career in various management positions, Stephan Jung has managed a 12 billion EURO global real estate fund and was President of the German Council of Shopping Centers. Stephan Jung has presented his ideas on the future of cities to the EU in Brussels. Politicians and media appreciate him as a competent interlocutor and visionary. His wealth of experience is based on systematic market observations of global hotspots conducted by his offices of the InoventiQ Group in Frankfurt, a positioning and strategy consulting boutique for companies, products and personalities.

Stephan Jung: thought leader - expert for innovation & megatrends

Stephan Jung has unerringly predicted the developments of Red Bull, Facebook, Google as well as the demise of well-known retail formats. His analysis is uncomfortable, exciting and stimulating: not for the faint of heart.

HANDELSBLATT counts Stephan Jung among the most successful European speakers. His references range from governments to DAX corporations to medium-sized companies.

Stephan Jung's motto: "Standstill is life-threatening!"

In his consultations, seminars and lectures, Stephan Jung inspires participants with a firework of ideas, impulses and strategies that can be implemented immediately. His passion for innovation is contagious and makes people want to break new ground. In doing so, Stephan Jung makes sure that every listener receives tools to translate the ideas for their own industry and takes away valuable take-aways.



Stephan Jung

Redner Innovation & Megatrends - Die Welt von morgen, Zukunft, Innovation, Digitales, Megatrends, Smart City

Stephan Jung

Zukunftstrends & Frischzellenkur für die neue Zeit

Stephan Jung

Innovationsexperte Stephan Jung

Stephan Jung

Zukunftsfähig bleiben mit Deinem Unternehmen

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