René Borbonus

René Borbonus

Expert Rhetoric & Communication - Respect, Clarity, Attentiveness, Relevance.

Speaker biography

René Borbonus & the secret of clear communication and positive rhetoric

René Borbonus - expert for communication. Some people turn their talent into a profession. Some their passion. René Borbonus combines both.


René Borbonus studied humanities and quickly gained rhetorical practice as a wedding speaker, moderator and speechwriter. After a professional trainer education, René Borbonus founded the training institute "Communico" in 2000. Today, Borbonus is one of the most sought-after speakers and is considered one of the best rhetoricians in the German language. René Borbonus inspires his audience with a masterful combination of expertise and practicality, objectivity and commitment, linguistic wit and charisma.

Lecture topics René Borbonus

The power of rhetoric - live talk and online seminar
Whoever enters the stage owns the word - no matter what he makes of it. The prevailing wish: to captivate the audience and inspire them for one's own content. Fortunately, you don't have to leave this to chance. Experience the live talk with René Borbonus: A plea for free speech that aims for more than mere information. Learn how to enhance your speech in terms of language and content and with which simple means you can engage your audience, convey your content credibly and give expression to your words and convince them in the long term.

Clarity - live talk and online seminar
Today we live in an information society that promises that everyone can know everything and share their knowledge. But this sometimes creates even more confusion than before. René Borbonus brings clarity into the world and shows you how words and language are played with nowadays and who you can believe and where you should rather leave it alone. Whoever offers people clarity therefore inevitably draws attention to himself - and assumes great responsibility. In this live talk, René Borbonus asks questions that concern us all: Who can we still believe? Why are we often not understood? How can we communicate clearly and understandably?

Respect - Live Talk and Online Seminar
Respect is the oxygen among the social elements: Indispensable for social survival, but not self-evident in the atmosphere. Respect releases an incredible amount of energy: it makes companies more successful and people demonstrably healthier. On the other hand, respect is often lacking. How does this fit together? Why do people behave disrespectfully? What are typical everyday disrespectful behaviors, and how do you avoid them?

Storytelling - live talk and online seminar
Good storytelling - implemented in a speech - is the 3D format of cinema. The speech "grabs" the listener, pulling them into it without realizing it. If a story magnetizes, then this automatically pulls in the dry and factual part as well. Then rhetorical successes happen. Imperceptibly, but sustainably. Stories act as immediate, because entertaining transmitters. They open people to your messages without losing the thematic focus.

Parent-child communication - live talk
Schools are closed, children are at home and we communicate with them much more than usual. This works sometimes more sometimes less well. Only here, of course, we want to do it especially well and avoid mistakes Not infrequently we come to our limits and often no longer understand the world. Therefore, we will go through a few interesting tools to make communication better. So we can understand our children better and they us.

René Borbonus accompanies and advises executives, entrepreneurs and public figures on their way to a successful performance. His method: He is a sparring partner instead of a teacher. It does not try to force customers into the corset of the speaker, but awakens in them the joy of free speech to make the most of their individual strengths.

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René Borbonus


René Borbonus

Streit vermeiden: Umgehe diese Rhetorik-Fehler

René Borbonus

Welche Kraft eine gute Geschichte hat

René Borbonus

Storytelling: So beginnst du fesselnde Vorträge

René Borbonus

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