Morell Westermann

Morell Westermann

Futurologist, Expert on Mobility & Aviation

Speaker biography

Morell Westermann analyses the megatrends of the next ten years in the areas of technology, business and society and uses them to develop innovative business strategies for and together with his clients.

As an expert on the topics of aviation, electromobility and digitalisation, he points out ways to a CO₂-neutral society and is involved in various projects for the electrification of aviation. (PV Airports, Electric World Record Flight, Electric Flight Route, etc.).

Morell Westermann can be seen regularly at events and congresses as a keynote speaker, moderator and as an expert on German and Swiss television.

„Many of the ideas of tomorrow already exist. Fragments of the future.“

Morell Westermann Lecture topics

The future of mobility (aviation)

Morell Westermann posits: We are today in the electrification of aviation where we were 10 years ago with e-cars. What would we have done differently if we had known that?

In his lecture, we briefly look back and realise how quickly development has progressed and let Morell take us on a journey into the future, full of opportunities and possibilities, but also risks. For us privately and professionally.

In the lecture, he reports on the electric world record flight – from the Alps to the sea, flown fully electrically – and how this demonstrated what was already possible in the summer of 2020. He gives impulses for future business ideas, explains how to anticipate technology trends and make them profitable.

He ventures an exciting insight and outlook on what will be possible in the next ten years (key words: air taxis and drones). He classifies technically and commercially what this means for each of us. „It will happen faster than anyone can imagine“.

Motivational Speech: If I could set 5 world records, what are you capable of? / The electric world record flight – from impossible idea to 5 world records

  • How do you realise the impossible?
  • How to build a team
  • How to harness the power of communities and social media
  • How can everyone in the team use their super-powers – and which ones do they have?
  • How to deal with catastrophes and still lead the project to its goal… (We had the biggest storm of the last 25 years on the day of departure and the airfield was 50cm under water – no flying…)

The megatrends of the future / Exponential developments / How we will live and work in the future

  • Future of mobility
  • Future of aviation
  • Future of work
  • How we will work and live in the future – realistic scenarios of how we will live, communicate and travel in the future
  • Risks and side effects of digitalisation and IoT
  • Artificial intelligence and where it stands today
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality
  • We live in an age of „everything becomes possible“

Through the electric world record flight from the Alps to the North Sea, Morell Westermann has earned a reputation for not only talking about the topics, but also making the innovations tangible and easy to understand.

His blog on e-mobility topics is visited by several thousand readers a month.



Morell Westermann, Keynote Speaker und Moderator
Morell Westermann - Auf die Zukunft
Elektro Weltrekordflug – The Movie


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