Speaker biography
Katja Porsch: "We never fail because of circumstances, we always fail because of what we make of them."
Katja Porsch was broke the first time at 30, the second time in her late thirties. She was no longer being paid her commissions. Her clients were in trouble and so she slipped into misery. Sure, you can say: That was bad luck. But it wasn't. It was a stupid starting situation, but nobody forced her to continue riding the horse. Katja Porsch would have had umpteen other options, but she didn't see them.
Today, many years later, she is one of the most successful motivational speakers in the German-speaking world. Katja Porsch is co-founder of Carinthia's 1st Startup Academy, author of several books and a sought-after expert in the media. This is not due to favorable circumstances - there are better starting conditions than two bankruptcies. It's because of what she made out of those circumstances.
And the most important thing Katja Porsch has learned in her life is: "I want to take the wheel."
Don't let other people and circumstances be in the driver's seat of your life. Take the wheel and have the courage to take off. Be brave to live your life and not what others have planned for you.
Lecture topics Katja Porsch:
He who runs away will be eaten. Awaken the doer in you!
Times have changed - that is clear! The market today works differently than 10 years ago - that is also clear! We have to rethink completely - that is also clear! But: If all this is clear to us, why do we still act today as we did 10 years ago? Of course, structures have changed. Digitization has made its way into most companies. The framework conditions have been adapted, but the mindset of the employees is still far from it. There is still fear and rigidity when thinking about AI, digitization, disruption, etc., instead of looking for the opportunities and seizing them. The question is: Why do we have such a hard time dealing with change? We never learned how. We grew up in times of security. We were drilled for decades to avoid mistakes and prevent failure. The days of safety are over. If we hold on to that, we are riding the horse of the past. Companies with a mindset of the past will fail just as mercilessly in the future 4.0 as they will in trying to find a phone booth within a 5 km radius.
Learn from Katja Porsch:
- How companies can make hesitation, doubt and fear a thing of the past in the future and how you can establish a MACHER mindset instead.
- Why we keep betting on the wrong horse by trying to change circumstances instead of changing ourselves.
- how you can let go of old experiences and embrace completely new ones
- how your team no longer runs away from challenges and obstacles, but faces them courageously
- how to recognize and seize the opportunities of the future
- how to stop looking at the problems first and find solutions instead.
From USP to UPP: those who "only" sell, no longer sell anything.
Those were the days! When products had unique selling points and companies could gain a market advantage through expertise, money or power. But the USP is dead. Products are becoming more and more comparable and interchangeable. The times when companies scored points with information sovereignty and experience are over. Information is now available to everyone, knowledge doubles within 24 hours, customers often feel better informed than their advisor. When everything changes, we can't stand still. Customers buy differently today than they did 10 years ago. The market ticks differently today than it did 10 years ago. To keep up, we have to change. We won't succeed with the sales and positioning strategies of the past. When the horse is dead, dismount.
Find out in this presentation by Katja Porsch:
- which competencies are really needed in the future and why it is time to say goodbye to classic consulting
- why the USP is dead and how you can secure your unique position in the market with the UPP (Unique Personal Proposition)
- why it is not the product bait that decides who buys, but the emotional bait
- why the sales talk of the future can no longer be planned, but we can still prepare for it
- how you can move from being an information broker 2.0 to a relationship tuner 4.0
Future 4.0 - What we can learn from the Hollywood gene.
"We should yes change something, but...". Maybe you know this "yes-but mentality". We know it's time to act! But instead of acting, the concerns immediately come: what if...? Will this work? Etc. Of course, it doesn't make sense to run into your misfortune with your eyes wide open. However, it also makes no sense to try to become successful in today's world with a problem focus. We live in a world where things can no longer be planned. Change is as much a part of our everyday lives as Watson and Alexa. If it used to be experience and strategic planning that propelled companies forward, today it's vision, quick action and creative thinking. Today's reality may not be tomorrow's reality. Today's market leaders may also no longer be tomorrow's market leaders. Those who stand still lose. Who only builds on experience, builds on sand. Katja Porsch knows what she is talking about.
Katja Porsch talks in her lecture
- what you can learn from Hollywood, because the future of tomorrow needs dreams and visions instead of doubts and fears
- why companies today need courage and should not rely on experience alone
- why a completely new error culture must exist in the company in order to survive on the market in the future
- why it is never the circumstances that determine success and failure, but always the ability to make the best of the circumstances
- why a new DNA is needed to give companies and employees a foothold in these turbulent times and why the good old values charter has had its day.
Katja Porsch was one of the most successful salespeople in real estate, with closing ratios of 1:2 - and she was not a talented salesperson at the time. She wasn't talented, but she had the absolute will to make it.
Katja Porsch's most important beliefs:
- We rarely fail because of a lack of knowledge. Mostly we fail because of a lack of "doing".
- Success is never a question of favorable circumstances, talent or luck. Success is the answer of doing the right thing.
- Change is no longer a process that can be reacted to with a measure. Change is a state.
Do you have a clear message you want to convey? You want something to move, you want things to change? Are you fed up with the same old blah-blah and want a breath of fresh air? If you also expect plain language, authenticity and power, Katja Porsch is the right person for you.
Katja Porsch: "Those who senselessly hold on to old experiences deprive themselves of the chance to grow."
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